Morgan Williams International Inc.


Van Gilse Icing Sugar Shaker (Poedersuiker) 15 x 250g

Original Van Gilse powder sugar is the perfect addition to complete your pancake or poffertjes after topping it with fine Van Gilse pouring syrup. Bestow your pancakes or poffertjes (these are fluffy small pancakes, which are somewhat thicker than normal) with Van Gilse powder sugar and enjoy the cheerful effects! Van Gilse is participating in the leading Dutch sugar group Suikerunie and a famous old sugar factory from Dinteloord. The company originated at the beginning of the 20th century and now holds sugar factories all over the country. In the Netherlands the name Van Gilse is synonymous with high quality sugar. It’s up to you: strew some Van Gilse powder sugar on a slice of apple pie or use it as final decoration topping on pancakes and poffertjes, these excellent fluffy mini pancakes the Dutch are so fond of. Van Gilse powder sugar is the perfect final topping for all excellent desserts and cakes.

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Van Gilse

Van Gilse is part of Cosun Beet Company (formerly Suiker Unie), has been in existence for over 100 years and has over 30 different products. These are made from Dutch sugar beets. Our factories in Noord Brabant and Groningen process 28,000 sugar beets per day! The Netherlands has 9,000 beet growers and more than 86,000 hectares of beet land (170 football fields!).

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